PTA Landscapes has just completed the construction of the central courtyard and first stage of the main boulevard at the Catholic Regional College in Melton. This is the first of the major landscape projects to be undertaken from the school’s master plan which was designed in house by the team.


The central courtyard features a 4 piece shade structure and a granite amphitheatre with insitu concrete seating walls which frame a raised, synthetic turf platform. Picnic settings, bench seats and low timber platforms provide numerous relaxed seating options for the students as well as teaching areas for outdoor learning.



The concrete walling is continued along the boulevard with timber seating defining and protecting the garden beds which will soften the space once established. Exposed aggregate, coloured concrete pavements and gravel pavements feature throughout both the boulevard and courtyard areas.




The planting was chosen specifically to suit the environmental aspects of the site and took into consideration the low maintenance requirements of the school. The avenue of AcerĀ  x freemanii ‘Jeffersred’ directs the eye along the boulevard to the schools bell tower and will provide shade during the warmer months and light during Winter.


All demolition, earthworks, garden bed construction, planting and irrigation were also undertaken by PTA Landscapes as part of this project.

“CRC Melton was delighted with PTA Landscape’s plan for our Central Courtyard and Boulevard which was completed recently. The courtyard is our own version of a “Village Square” – a landscaped space where kids can gather informally at lunchtime, and indeed staff can also use as a learning space for classes. In time, I would also see the Courtyard as a gathering place for events such as Celebration Day, where music can be performed live in front of a large audience. The garden beds, native plants and trees compliment this special gathering space and the overall amenity has added value to the College.”

Mark Sheehan, Principal